NCFM Exams ie. NSE's Certification in Financial Markets exams are one of the most popular financial market certification exams in India. NSE is the biggest Stock Exchange of India in terms of volumes (over Rs. 2 lakh crores per day) and the certifications of NSE carry significant weight in the top finance and stock broking companies of India.

Individuals aspiring to make a career in the Finacial Services industry will have better prospects if they clear the NSE exams and get the NCFM certifications. In fact some of the certificates have been made mandatory for using the Capital market and Derivative Market platforms of NSE.

There are various modules offered under NCFM certifications which cover toics ranging from Stock Markets to Depositories to Insurance. Currenlty there are over 30 NCFM online exams and each one has its own importance. Pass4sure helps you clear NCFM Certification exams by providing you NCFM study material like mock exams, practise questions with solved papers and step by step solutions to mathematical problems in a very easy way.

capital market dealers module mock test

NCFM Capital Market (Dealers) Module

The NCFM Capital Market (Dealers) Module exam is one of the very important exams conducted by NSE. Its useful for getting jobs in Stock Broking Company's or for starting your own Stock Broking business. Apart from these, it is also useful to get a fairly good knowledge of the working of Indian Stock Markets.

The sole focus while designing this question bank was to make it simple to clear the exam with good grades.

• We’ve incorporated test papers with questions which are similar to the kind of questions that will be asked in the exams.
• We’ve have also added a couple of last day revision tests, which are very important & will definitely help you in your preparations. In all there are a total of 450 VERY IMP Q&As with explanations
• Fear for exams – To address this query, we’ve simulated the test paper, to give you the real feel of how the exams are going to be.

The question bank has been updated as per the current NCFM syllabus-2024.

Please have a look at the free de



ncfm financial markets beginners module mock test

NCFM - Financial Markets : A Beginners Module

The NCFM Financial Markets - A Beginner's Module exam is the basic and important exams conducted by the National Stock Exchange. Any student who wishes to begin a career in the financial markets or learn the fundamentals of Indian Stock Markets should attempt this exam.

We believe that to clear this important examination the student should be well equipped with an updated question bank of v.imp questions . The Pass4sure question bank has been designed by professionals and has 400 most important Q&As with explanations.

There are 8 practice tests and two LAST DAY revision tests, which we strongly believe, are very important, for you to clear the NISM exam. Moreover, we’ve also worked on the examination to give you a real feel of how the examination is going to be.

Please have a look at the free demo to have a feel of the question bank.

This question bank contains questions updated as per current NCFM syllabus-2024



NCFM Technical Analysis Module

NCFM Technical Analysis Module

The NCFM Technical Analysis Module exam is one of the very important exams conducted by NSE. Its useful for getting jobs in Stock Broking & Finance Companies or doing your own trading. You can also became a technical expert and advise.

The sole focus while designing this question bank was to make it simple to clear the exam with good grades.

• We’ve incorporated test papers with questions which are similar to the kind of questions that will be asked in the exams.
• We’ve have also added a couple of last day revision tests, which are very important & will definitely help you in your preparations. In all there are a total of 300+ VERY IMP Q&As with explanations
• Fear for exams – To address this query, we’ve simulated the test paper, to give you the real feel of how the exams are going to be.

The question bank has been updated as per current NCFM syllabus-2024

Please have a look at the free demo.



fimmda-nse debt market (basic) module study material

FIMMDA - NSE Debt Market (Basic) Module

The FIMMDA - NSE Debt Market (Basic) Module is an essential study for students associated with the Debt Markets in India. Its useful for getting jobs in Banks and other Companies who are associated with the Debt Markets. Apart from these it is also useful to get a fairly good knowledge of the working of Indian Debt Markets.

We believe that to clear this technically very difficult exam, the student should be well equipped with an updated question bank of v.imp questions . Also he /she should understand the logic behind the mathematical problems.

We at Pass4Sure have designed our Question Bank by having various practice tests for theory as well as mathematical problems using Excel etc. Detailed step by step solutions are provided for the Excel workings.

Please have a look at the free demo to have a feel of the question bank -->

This question bank has been updated as per current NCFM syllabus-2024.



derivatives market dealers module mock test

NCFM Derivatives Market (Dealers) Module

( The NISM Series VIII - Equity Derivatives Module has replaced this module. Kindly subscribe for the NISM module )

The NCFM Derivative Market (Dealer) Module exam is an important exams conducted by the National Stock Exchange. Its useful to clear this exam for getting jobs in the Derivative Trading Dept. of Stock Broking Companies.

After having countless discussions with students, who are keen to appear for the NCFM Derivatives Market – Dealers Module, we have not only taken the concern of the students into account, but also:-
• Added in, couple of, very important, LAST DAY REVISION TESTS – to give you the necessary last day confidence, to help you clear the exams &
• Made the NCFM Derivatives Market – Dealers Module, give you the “REAL FEEL” of how the exams are going to be conducted – this will surely help you curb down your last day anxiety & nervousness.



BCSM mock test

BSE's Certification on Securities Market (BCSM)

The BSE's Certification on Securities Market (BCSM) Module exam is one of the very important exams conducted by the Bombay Stock Exchange. Its a prerequisite for getting jobs in Stock Broking companies or for starting your own Stock Broking business. Apart from these it is also useful to get a fairly good knowledge of the working of Indian Stock Markets.

We at PASS4SURE have designed our Question Bank containing appx 300 Q&As for this module by having various practise tests and 2 Very Important LAST DAY REVISION tests and REAL FEEL timed exams so that you get accustomed to the types of questions asked and answer them with confidence.

Please have a look at the free demo to have a feel of the question bank -->



MCX MCCP Commodity

MCX Certified Commodity Professional (MCCP) Exam

The MCX Certified Commodity Professional (MCCP) programme offered by Multi Commodity Exchange is a very important exam for those who wish to participate in the commodity derivatives market. The MCCP course is meant for brokers, investors, hedgers, exporters, arbitrageurs etc.
The course will acquaint the students with the modalities of the commodity markets in India, including regulatory framework; exchange operations, such as trading, clearing and settlement; and delivery procedures.
In order to help you clear the MCX Certified Commodity Professional (MCCP) exam easily, we have provided :
- An examination focus question bank, with various practice tests & a couple of very important Last Day Revision tests- a total of more than 300 VERY IMPORTANT Q&As with explanations.
- A simulated exam pattern, which gives you a real feel of how the exams will be structured
Please have a look at the free demo to have a feel of the question bank -->



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