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NISM Series VIII - Equity Derivatives Mock Test

nism equity derivatives mock test

  • Get the 600 most important question and answers to clear the NISM Series VIII - Equity Derivatives Certification Exam easily
  • Easy explanations with answers so that you understand the concept and answer even the difficult NISM Series 8 questions
  • Validity : 10 to 60 Days - 10 attempts for each test
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  • Cost of subscription : Rs. 499/= (+ GST)


Exam and Question Bank details

NISM Series VIII Equity Derivatives Exam and Question Bank details

The NISM Series VIII - Equity Derivatives Certification Exam is one of the very important exams conducted by the National Institute of Securities Market. Its a prerequisite for getting jobs in Stock Broking companies or for starting your own Stock Broking business. It's also adds value to your resume when applying for jobs in Financial Sector/ IT /BPO etc. companies. Apart from these it is also useful to get a fairly good knowledge of the working of Indian Stock Markets.

The NISM Equity Derivatives exams are conducted online at various NISM centers and all question asked are of 'multiple choice' Q&A. The time duration is 120 minutes and a candidate has to answer 100 questions totaling to 100 marks. 60% marks are passing marks.
We at PASS4SURE have designed our Question Bank for NISM Equity Derivatives module by having various practise tests and 3 Very Important LAST DAY REVISION tests and REAL FEEL timed exams (a total of 600 VERY IMPORTANT Q&As). PASS4SURE has provided explainations for almost every answer so that you understand them and remember the answers easily. Also detailed step by step solutions are provided to the mathematical problems. The Question Bank of NISM 8 Mock Test has been updated as per current NISM syllabus-2025. The subscription cost is Rs 499.

Once you go through the PASS4SURE NISM equity derivatives mock test you will find it easy to clear this NISM 8 module and get the NISM Series VIII - Equity Derivatives Certification.

A guide to NISM Equity Derivative Exam

Following the establishment of the NISM Exam for Equity Derivatives, the module for Derivatives Market Dealers (NCFM), which NSE previously conducted, and the BSE’s Certificate on Derivatives Exchange, which BSE formerly conducted, no longer serves as mandatory certifications for associated persons.

In other words, the module for Derivatives Market Dealers (NCFM) and the BSE’s Derivatives Exchange certificate has been phased out in favor of the Equity Derivatives or the Certification Examination (NISM Series VIII), which NISM now administers. 

If you're thinking about taking a derivatives market exam, the NISM exam for Equity Derivatives is a good place to start. The NISM Equity Derivatives Certification Examination is a foundational exam for professionals in the equity derivatives industry, such as brokers, dealers, and others.

The examination is one of NISM's most rigorous, with a success percentage of fewer than 50% across the country. Under the Regulations of SEBI (CAPSM), 2007, taking the exam is a must. 

What types of people should take the Certification Exam for NISM Equity Derivatives?

The Certification of Equity Derivatives (NISM Series 8) Examination is needed of any associated person working as a sales personnel or an approved user of a trading member to exchange equity derivatives or division for equity derivatives of an authorized stock exchange.   

To put it another way, every professional who works with clients on products of equity derivatives like options and futures must pass the NISM Equity Derivatives Exam. This will include businessmen or entrepreneurs who open offices for sub-broking, executives who deal with clients or operate in the back office, and people who work with Equity Derivative products. 

All Indian stock exchanges, such as (BSE, NSE, MSEI, etc.) have made it essential to submit the Certificate for NISM Equity Derivatives to receive the terminal for Equity Derivatives.

Objectives of the Examination:

After passing the NISM Series VIII Equity Derivatives Exam, the applicant must be able to: 

  •  Understand the fundamentals of the equities derivatives market in India.
  •  Learn how to use the options and futures on equities and stock indexes to create diverse trading strategies.
  •  Gain a thorough understanding of the equities derivatives markets' processes, such as risk management, clearing, settlements as well and also the operating mechanisms.
  •  Understand the regulatory framework in which India's market functions of equity derivatives.

What are the topics covered in the certification exam of NISM Series 8 Equity Derivatives?

The NISM Series VIII Equity Derivatives Exam aims to better understand the numerous derivatives available in equities derivatives markets, the rules and hazards related to these products, and the exchange mechanisms of settlement, clearing, etc. 

The exam also includes knowledge proficiencies such as understanding India's financial structure and the significance of the many regulations and guidelines controlling the securities market in India, particularly those governing the segment of equity derivatives.

I'm looking for the Equity Derivatives (NISM Series VIII) Study Material. Where can I get it?

The NISM Equity Derivatives Study Material is available for free download on the NISM website. If you want a physical copy of the NISM Equity Derivatives book, you may get one online and also get a physical copy. The novels are also accessible in India's leading bookstores.

I'm looking for a NISM Mock Test for the Equity Derivatives Examination, but I can't seem to find one.

At Pass4sure, we have loads of NISM mock tests available for you. So, if you prepare for the NISM series VIII exam, we have a series of mocks tests for Equity Derivatives ready. Furthermore, all the series are available at a reasonable price. 

So, what’s the procedure for registering and enrolling for the Equity Derivatives Exam?

All the certification exams for NISM can be registered and enrolled online using the NISM Certification Portal. 

You will need all your details, like Name, Date of Birth, PAN number, Educational and Employment details, etc., to register for the NISM Certification portal.

After completing the Registration form for NISM online, an email with an activation link and NISM Registration Number will be sent to you. To activate your NISM Account, you must first click on the activation link. After activating, you can log into your account.

After logging in with your email and password, proceed to "Enrolment" -> "Enroll for Examination" and follow the procedures below:

1st step: Choose an examination: Select Certification Examination for Equity Derivatives (series 8 of NISM) from the drop-down menu.

2nd step: Check the availability of seats: Pick the City of Exam, Test Center, and Exam Date Range that you want to take the exam during.

3rd step: Choose a Time Slot: The exam's Test Slots will be displayed to you. Choose one and then click "Enroll for the Exam."

4th step: Pay for it: Accepting the terms and conditions is necessary before making an online payment using a credit card, debit card, or internet banking account.

After making your payment successfully, you’ll have your admit card generated. You should arrive at the examination center half an hour before the scheduled exam time with this admit card and an original identity card.

Only PAN Cards, Driver's Licenses, Passports, and Aadhar Cards are accepted as proof of identity.

NISM Series VIII syllabus at a glance: 

  • Derivatives Fundamentals
  • Basics of Index  
  • Forward (Introduction) 
  • Options (Introduction)
  • Strategies for Option Trading 
  • Trading Systems Introduction 
  • Clearing Introduction 
  • Legal and other regulations   
  • Accounts and Tax
  • Investor Protection Service and Sales Practices


NISM Series VIII Equity Derivatives Exam Preparation:

The only study material for the NISM Certification Exams is a booklet of around 200 to 300 pages. To comprehend the topics, you must read the entire book cover to cover at least once; otherwise, the exam will be difficult. 

At 2-3 hours of study time per day, it usually takes 1-2 weeks to complete the workbook. If you don't grasp a term, use a reference book or conduct an internet search for similar notions. It would be risky to sit for an exam if you don't understand most of your concepts, given most of them are conceptual questions.

On every exam, you will face MCQs (multiple choice questions) with only one correct answer. In addition, some exams include numerical problems for which calculators and excel sheets are permitted throughout the examination. Because most tests carry negative scores, you should study thoroughly.

After you've finished studying the workbook, you can take a few NISM Equity Derivatives Mock Tests to see how prepared you are. If you pass the Pass4sure mock exams with ease, you should have a good chance of passing the final exam.

Carry your PAN card or any other prescribed identity card along with your Admit Card on the day of the exam. Carry a photocopy of your identity verification as well. If your photograph is not clear and legible on both your admit card and your identity card, you will not be permitted to take the exam. 

Enter the exam hall after completing all exam-related formalities. The invigilator will show you how to begin the exam on the computer that has been assigned to you.

One by one, questions will be posted, and you will begin answering them you get in the question paper. If your exam has negative marking, don't mark any answers that you aren't convinced about. 

To enhance your chances of passing the exam, you should attempt at least 80 questions. If your test has no negative marking, you must attempt all of the questions in the question set. 

After submitting the NISM Equity Derivatives exam, you will receive your results right away. After that, you can get your mark sheet and exit the Test Center.

Pass4sure wishes you good luck with your exams!!

Please have a look at the free demo to have a feel of the question bank.


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