Regulatory bodies of India such as SEBI, NSE and BSA conduct various certification exams for people who wish to pursue their career as advisors or traders in various financial sectors. These certification courses are designed to imbibe understanding and skills in the people dealing in financial sectors and increase their caliber for healthy growth of the market. National institute of security market is one of such exam conducted by the regulatory bodies.
If you are someone who is pursuing carrier as advisor or trader in financial market then we have come up with four pointers with the help of which you can clear these certification exams with flying colors.
Select the right exam! The first and foremost requirement of setting yourself on the right path of NISM certification exam is selection of right exam. There are 14 different exams conducted by NISM. Due to similarity in nomenclature of these exams you may get confused and end up studying for or giving wrong exam. Like you may get confused between mutual fund distributor exam and RTA mutual fund exam or confuse depository operations with security operations and risk management. There are online tutorials available to for not only educating you about various certification exams conducted by NISM but also to help you in selecting right exam for you.
Preparation for the exam! After you have chosen the right exam next step is to prepare for that. You can get study material as soft copy or hard copy from online website of NISM certification exam. The study material is more or less a workbook of 200 to 300 pages. NISM series VIII is one of such workbook for exam preparation. You need to study these workbook cover to cover for covering entire syllabus and clear your concepts. Clearing concepts is very important as most of the questions in the exam are conceptual. Daily study time of two to three hours can help you in completing the entire workbook in around 15 days. Mock test such as NISM equity derivatives mock test can be a great help in time management in actual exam.
Registering for exam! Now comes the third step of registering yourself for the NISM certification exam. You will need to give your PAN card, soft copy of passport size photo, personal details, mobile number, education details, and address and employment details for registering for the exam. Once you have registered you will need to select an exam center and time slot available at that center by paying exam fee by credit card, debit card or net banking.
On the D day! On the day of the exam reach the center before time. Carry your admit card, pan card and copy of any of your identity card. Your photo on admit card, pan card and identity card should be clear, otherwise you will not be allowed to sit for the exam. Once you have reached the center, complete all the formalities and enter the exam hall. Invigilator will guide you towards the PC assigned to you for the exam.
NISM can be an important certification for your career and with dedication, sincerity and hard work you can clear the certification in first attempt.